So, this sweet gem of an engagement session almost didn’t make it’s public appearance, and, honestly, I blame it entirely on Covid. I met up with Jessica and Peter in the middle of March for this session (it was my last session before the shelter-in-place), and when everything closed, things got hectic here. In the midst of rescheduling weddings and portrait sessions and responding to a flood of calls, emails, and texts, this blog got lost in the realm of of the un-posted, or otherwise known as “THE DRAFT” form. It was there all along, but in my Covid-battered brain, I never hit the ever-so-important “Post” button. I happen to be working on my site yesterday and saw this session just waiting for it’s magic moment, and, well, there is no time like the present/better late than never/etc.
Outdoor lovers Jessica and Peter both work on the Hudson River, and met doing fishieries work/research, and spend a lot of time together on small boats (that’s so cute!) With all of their experience surrounded by nature, they clearly have an excellent eye for what looks gorgeous as they saw the wonderful potential of their own back yard! A cute little trail, a bit of high foliage from last season, a marshy area, and an open field. GOLD!
When I asked Jessica and Peter what their hobbies are, their list was any outdoors person’s dream list: hiking, hunting, camping, fishing, and birding. And they know their stuff! As we were walking to the fields, Jessica pointed out the birds flying high overhead and identified them as juvenile bald eagles. No need to say I was super impressed; the young ones don’t have the tell-tale white heads yet, so she identified them by how flat their wings looked in flight (Jessica, I hope I’m relaying this right!).
During sessions, I like to include a picture of the engagement ring, and it’s always fun to find some cool new way to prop it or put it on a piece of foliage. While we were in the field, I notices “fluffy” plants (no, that’s not the technical name; that’s the best I can do, though.) They were so pretty, and I was excited to get a ring shot on them. Jessica and Peter said their friends would find it amusing that their engagement ring was pictured on……wait for it……….. an invasive species of plant. So, it turns out that the “fluffy plant” shouldn’t have been there at all, but I’m really happy it was, because, well, it was fluffy and pretty (and has given me cause to use the word fluffy more times in a blog post that I could have thought imaginable.)
I’ll be meeting up with Jessica and Peter for their wedding in the Fall at Rosamond Gifford Zoo (seriously, the perfect location for them.)